
10 August 2024 - Chester show

It was off down to sunny Chester by train for me and my four cats - nightmare journey at every stage, but we got there just in time, and I'm very glad we did!
- IGr Ch Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka made me very happy by winning the Olympian certificate in a good class
- GrPr Dushenka Lahariel won the Imperial certificate again, clever sausage
- Dushenka Midnight-Waltz won Best of Breed, and hugely enjoyed his day, getting his happy-paws on as many visitors as possible
- Dushenka Mazarine-Mazurka won her Best of Breed too and flirted with everyone she could as well
I had a lovely day with Charlotte and Alex, pottering around Chester - such a lovely city - and it all made up for the truly dreadful train service.

13 July 2024 - Scotia show

A relatively local show for us this time, with nine Dushenka cats all having a great day.
- IGr Ch Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka made me so proud by winning Best of Breed and Best of Variety Section 4 Adult again x
- GrPr Dushenka Lahariel won the Imperial certificate, and Best of Breed in a very strong line-up!
- GrPr Dushenka Honey-Blossom won the Imperial certificate - her first time in the class
- GrCh Dushenka Delukiel won the reserve Imperial
- Ch Dushenka Honey-Belle won her second Premier certificate and two 1sts in side classes too
- Dushenka Malachite-Evenstar won Best of Breed, beating her brother Dushenka Midnight-Waltz this time!
Maisie and Vanda were both there there too, looking lovely and winning some 1st prizes as well.
Many thanks to Heather P and Karen for bringing their lovely cats to the show as well x

22 June 2024 - Herts & Middlesex and Kensington shows

Back to packing up the people-carrier for one of our crazy southern trips - four people and 13 cats made their way down to Ware, including seven of my cats and kittens!
- IGr Ch Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka won the reserve Olympian certificate against good competition
- Gr Pr Dushenka Lahariel won his first Imperial certificiate, and reserve Imperial at his first try at this level
- Ch Dushenka Honey-Belle won her first Premier certificate at her first show as a neuter
- Dushenka Mazarine-Mazurka, my little Hazy-Maisie, won Best of Breed in both shows on her show debut
- Dushenka Midnight-Waltz also won Best of Breed in both shows on his show debut, beating his brother Malcolm, and sister Evie - the first-ever Dushenka Russian Blacks!

Huge thanks to Laura for organising us all again, and many congratulations to her and Rose, Charlie and Rocky on their great days!

25 May 2024 - Durham and Northern Counties shows

I wasn't able to get to this show but thanks to Laura and Caryl, Oskar and Harry were still able to go, and both had a great day being spoiled by their aunties!
- IGr Ch Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka won Best of Breed and Best of Variety Section 4 Adult in the Durham show
- Grand Premier Dushenka Lahariel won his qualifying Grand certificate, and Best of Breed in the Durham show against top-quality competition!

11 May 2024 - Nor'East of Scotland Cat Club show

Another lovely day, beautiful weather and beautiful results for our cats!
Major congratulations to Caryl's special boy Obi:
- IGr Pr Dushenka Blue Oberon who won the reserve Olympian, Best of Variety Section 4 Neuter, and ended up in a best in show pen again as Best in Show Section 4 Exhibit!
- Champion Bluebebop Demisemiquaver, my precious Little Dot won her qualifying Challenge certificate and Best of Breed against all our big boys!
- IGr Ch Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka delighted me by winning the Olympian certificate
- IGr Pr Dushenka Zelenka won the reserve Olympian and Best of Breed
- Gr Ch Dushenka Delukiel won his third Imperial certificate, against good competition too
- Gr Pr Dushenka Xoriana-Agata won her third Imperial certificate too

Many thanks to Caryl, Karen and Anne W for showing their cats so well, and special congratulations to Laura's Charlie on winning his latest title too x

20 April 2024 - Gwynedd and Manchester shows

It was a busy day today as I was judging household pets, but we still managed to squeeze in some good show results too!
Special congratulations to Caryl's boy Obi:
- IGr Pr Dushenka Blue Oberon who won the reserve Olympian in the Gwynedd show, Best of Breed and Best of Variety Section 4 Neuter!
- Pr Dushenka Lahariel won the Grand certificate in both shows, clever sausage!
I was also pleased that Little Dot won a 1st, 2nd and two 3rds in her four classes, against some good competition, my sweet girl x

Thanks again to Laura and Caryl for organising us, and congratulations to Laura's Rocky, Charlie and Star on their wins too x

6 April 2024 - Shorthair & AB Cat Club of Scotland show

I wasn't entered at this show, but am delighted to congratulate the Dushenka winners on the day:
- Grand Premier Dushenka Honey-Blossom, looking so pretty, Blossom won her qualifying Grand certificate
- Gr Ch Dushenka Delukiel won Best of Breed adult in very strong competition, clever boy
- Gr Pr Dushenka Zelazny won the reserve Imperial, only being beaten by his cousin Harald, who ended up in a best in show pen!

Many thanks to Heather P and Karen for showing their cats so well x

2 March 2024 - Erin & Northern Ireland shows

We had a great time in Northern Ireland again, filling a people-carrier with all our cats, and staying in a lovely house with a huge hot-tub that was the perfect venue for our Saturday night celebrations with champagne! We had a fantastic day at the show with loads of special wins, including a happytears-inducing major win for my beloved Viola, now to be known as
- UK & Olympian Bronze IGr Ch Dushenka Viola Heartsease - I was beyond proud to see my special lady win her qualifying Olympian certificates, and to see the show successes of her sons:
- Premier Dushenka Lahariel - my sweet scamp Harry won his qualifying Premier certificates, making him the 60th cat I have bred to win a show title!
- IGr Ch Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka won the reserve Olympian in both shows, and enjoyed loads of cuddles with visitors to the show as well
I am also incredibly proud of my Little Dot on her successful show debut:
- Bluebebop Demisemiquaver won her Challenge certificate in both shows, and showed herself off to perfection. Many thanks again to Corinne Page of Bluebebop Russians for my little naughtiness!
Congratulations also to Caryl's handsome boy:
- IGr Pr Dushenka Blue Oberon who won the Olympian and reserve Olympian certificates - his first time in this prestigious class
Congratulations also to Viola's great-grandchildren, Laura and Caryl's babies Rocky, Charlie, Teddy, Belle, and Star on all their great wins too!

17 February 2024 - Cov & Leics show

Back to our usual, packing out a people-carrier with all our cats! Special congratulations go to Caryl and her handsome boy Obi, now to be known as
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Blue-Oberon - I was beyond happy to see Obi win his qualifying Imperial certificate :)
- Dushenka Lahariel - my cheeky lad Harry won his first Premier certificate at his first adult show

Special congratulations to Laura's boys Rocky and Charlie, who were both made up to Grand, with Rocky going on to win BOV Section 4 Exhibit too!

3 February 2024 - Shropshire show

After an all-out rail strike was called a week before this show, I wasn't sure we would get to it (Laura was off partying this weekend!), but thanks to the kindness of Jane Cox of Wrenegade Devon Rex squeezing us in we got there - and it was definitely worth the trip too :)
- Champion Dushenka Honey-Belle delighted me by winning 1st in all her classes, her qualifying Challenge certificate and Best of Breed in strong competition, including her uncle Oskar! He wasn't bothered though, as he was too busy enjoying lots of cuddles from visitors to the show.

Congratulations to Jane's beautiful young Devon Rex kitten too on her successful show debut, winning Best of Breed!

6 January 2024 - Capital and Eastern shows

We decided to start the New Year with another trip by sleeper train down south, much to the obvious delight of both my boys, who made me proud of them again.
- IGr Ch Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka won Best of Breed in both shows, and exceeded my expectations by winning the reserve Olympian in a class of 8, and 4th in an Olympian class of 10 - and then topped off the day by winning Best Section 4 Adult in one show as well!
- Dushenka Lahariel won Best of Breed in both shows, his last kitten shows, and like his big brother, showed off all day long!

1 January 2024 - Happy New Year

With love to all my wonderful kitten owners and their beautiful cats x

Looking back over 2023…

It was another great show year for Dushenka cats who won 14 new titles; 60 certificates; and 13 best in show/best of variety wins.
Special congratulations again to my new title winners:

- UK & Olympian Gold IGr Ch Dushenka Rafael
- UK & IGr Ch Dushenka Viola Heartsease
- Imperial Grand Champion Dushenka Hollyhock
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zelenka

- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Vanda Blue-Orchid
- Imperial Grand Champion Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka
- Grand Champion Dushenka Delukiel
- Grand Premier
Dushenka Blue Oberon
- Grand Premier Dushenka Zelazny
- Grand Premier Dushenka Xoriana-Agata
- Premier Dushenka Honey-Blossom
- Ch & Premier Dushenka Norma Jean

Many thanks to Caryl, Amara, Karen and Darren, Margaret, and Heather P, for showing their lovely cats so well, and giving them the perfect homes x