News 2012
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West of Scotland Show 15 December 2012
And Zach does it again - ensuring his place in Russian Blue breed history by becoming the first-ever Olympian titled Russian Blue. So to give him his full name Zach is now...
- UK & Olympian Bronze Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel! Zach won 1st in every class - a 'red card day', and was his usual calm, dignified and utterly gorgeous self all day long. I am just bursting with pride :-))
- UK & Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Xariabella was another superstar, winning the reserve Olympian certificate, and just to make sure Zach didn't get too big-headed also beat him for Best of Breed!
- Dushenka Frederick and Dushenka Feliks were also there, for their last kitten show and between them won a very respectable 1st and three x 2nd prizes. Typical Leo sons, they are huge, and utter sweethearts.
- Last, but definitely not least, I was delighted to see IGr Pr Dushenka Stanislav out on exhibition, ie not in competition today, but he still won Best Decorated Pen with his glamorous silver snowflake-themed pen.
Many thanks to Karen, Miranda and Fraser, and Tracey for showing their cats so well - their loving temperaments are a testament to the happy lives they have with you.
UK & Olympian Bronze
Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Zerachiel
Supreme Show 24 November 2012
Another amazing show day, this time at the premier show in the UK, the GCCF's Supreme Show where a little bit of breed history was made with Scotland's first-ever male and female UK Grand titled Russian Blues achieving their titles. Many congratulations to:
- UK & Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel, won his second UK Grand certificate and title as well as Best of Breed, and making it to the final shortlist for best of variety too! Calm, magnificent and oh-so handsome boy.
- UK & Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Xariabella, who won her second UK Grand certificate and title against some fearsomely beautiful competition. Xaria was smugly happy all day, purring and kissing everyone!
We were also represented by Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav, who obviously loved every moment of his Supreme experience, posing beautifully for his judge, and snoogling everyone as much as Xaria was! Premier Dushenka Carabella was also there, sweet girl. Not her time yet, but it will come.
And finally, a bonus for me was meeting two of Leo's kittens for the first time - kept that one quiet didn't you Gwen! Melkelter Evening Starrina won her breed class, and her litter brother Melkelter Valchekova came 2nd in his class, but won his Supreme Special Kitten Class, judged on temperament and condition - a true Leo son! Weighing 6lbs already, it's hard to believe that he was just 4 months old on the day.
UK & Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel ......................... and UK & Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Xariabella
IGr Pr Dushenka Stanislav....................... Melkelter Valchekova and Melkelter Evening Starrina
Zach at best of variety judging, posing calmly as ever!
Cheshire Area Cat Club show 10 November 2012
Oh good grief - our third consecutive show with a new Grand titled cat :-)) Yes indeed, another successful day! Many congratulations to: - Dushenka Gabriel, who won his breed class and placed well in all his side classes
- Dushenka Hanabella, my precious little Pom-pom on her show debut won Best of Breed Russian Blue kitten, along with one x 1st prize and two x 2nd prizes, and won over everyone with her sweetly cute ways!
- Grand Champion Dushenka Czar Koreshki, won his third Grand certificate and title - well done big Korei, and your proud owners Donna and Dave Johnson of Koreshka Russian Blues! He also won Best of Breed and a further two 1st prizes against some strong competition. (Thanks to Donna and Dave for three of the photos below too).
Yorkshire County Cat Club show 27 October 2012
Yes, you've guessed it - another great day for Dushenka cats! Many congratulations to:
- Dushenka Gabriel, who won his breed class and placed well in all his side classes - also very proud of his daddy...
- Champion Lyov Yarilo Larksong Dunoe, in the Grand class for the first time, and he won the Grand Challenge! Darling Leo also won a 1st and two 2nd prizes in his side classes, in some very strong competition.
- Grand Champion Dushenka Zivabella, on her return from maternity leave she won her third Grand certificate and title - well done little Zivvles! She also won a further two 1st prizes and a 3rd in her three side classes, again with some strong competition.
My thanks to Heather and Richard of Cagaran Cats who took us all to the show and Anita for having us stay with her on the Saturday night. Congratulations to their cats too, with Heather and Richard's Somali girl Sonia winning her first Challenge, their 'midget gem' Tiffanie girl and their Classic Ocicat baby both winning Best of Breed.
Many thanks also to Karen who looked after my cats all day as I was busy stewarding, and them took them home for me, and fed all my other cats too - you are a total star!
Cumberland Cat Club show 13 October 2012
Another proud day for Dushenka cats, and another milestone too! Many congratulations to:
- Dushenka Fenella, who won her breed class and another 1st in a side class
- Dushenka Gabriel, who also won his breed class, plus Best of Breed
- Grand Champion Dushenka Duke Ellington, who won his third Grand certificate and title at just 13 months old! Dukey also won Best of Breed, 1st in all his classes and was nominated for Best in Show... as well as being the 20th titled Dushenka, Dukey is now the 10th Dushenka to win a Grand title!
My especial thanks to Heather and Richard of Cagaran Cats who looked after us all when I really wasn't well - and congratulations to their successful cats too, with Donny also winning his Grand title and their new baby star Etak winning Best of Breed and being nominated for Best in Show on his show debut
Russian Blue Breeders Association (RBBA) show 6 October 2012
We had a great day at the RBBA show, with four Dushenka cats there, and all four looking lovely. It was great to see Ch Dushenka Czar Koreshki again, and winning two 1st prizes, a 2nd and a 3rd in his four classes. IGr Pr Dushenka Stanislav was also there, but having just won his title was just there for fun, and to support his nephew Zach - which he did in style! Huge congratulations to my RBBA show stars, Zach and Xaria:
- I Gr Pr Dushenka Xariabella won her first Olympian Certificate and Best Female Neuter
- I Gr Pr Dushenka Zerachiel won his fourth Olympian Certificate, 1st in every class, Best Male Neuter, Best in Show Neuter and Overall Best in Show Exhibit!!
Ecstatic is an understatement :-))
Zach in his Best in Show pen, with his Olympian and BIS rosettes, and some of the 10 trophies he won!
Xaria, look pretty; then looking pretty smug with all her trophies and rosettes!
Stan-the-Man, so serene and happy; and Korei - sweet snoogly boy.
North West Cat Club show 29 September 2012
I just had Lucy and Dorable with me today - no major awards, but they both enjoyed their day, as did I! Lucy won the reserve Grand Challenge again, and did her best to chew her pretty pink rosette, and Dorable won a 1st, two 2nd prizes and a 3rd prize in her four classes.
Scotia Cat Fanciers show 15 September 2012
I couldn't enter this show today, but there were still seven Dushenka cats entered, enjoying some really good results again! Congratulations to all our winners:
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav proudly won his qualifying Imperial certificate - I doubt I will ever be allowed to forget that I told his owner Karen that he 'should manage to scrape three PCs'!!
- I Gr Pr Dushenka Zerachiel won his third Olympian certificate, Best of Breed and Best of Variety Foreign Neuter
- Pr Dushenka Carabella won the reserve Grand Premier certificate at her first try, plus another 1st and 2nd in side classes
- Dushenka Feliks and Dushenka Frederik won two 1sts, three 2nds and three 3rds between them, with Feliks wining the breed class, and Frederik also winning a Daisuki special' rosette
- Dushenka Fenella had a great day, winning her breed class, Best of Breed, 1st in all six of her classes a red card day' and Best of Variety Foreign Kitten!
- Xaria enjoyed another good day in the pedigree pet section, winning her third MasterCat certificate and is now MasterCat Xaria
From left to right: Stan; Zach; Cara
From left to right: Feliks; Frederik; Fenella
Wyvern Cat Club show 8 September 2012
We headed down south on Friday afternoon for this show and stayed in a lovely, cat-friendly B&B just a few minutes from the show hall. I had four cats with me (usual craziness!) who enjoyed some good results:
- Ch Dushenka Duke Ellington won Best of Breed Russian Blue adult and the reserve Grand Challenge
- Ch Dushenka Belucia also won the reserve Grand Challenge
- Dushenka Fedorabella (Lucy's daughter) won Best of Breed Russian Blue kitten and two 1st and one 3rd prize
- Dushenka Gabriel won two 1st prizes, including his breed class
From left to right: Dukey, Lucy, Dorable; and Gabe
My travelling companion was Heather McRae of Cagaran Cats, who didn't have any cats entered, but like me was keen to attend the Abyssinian breed Seminar being held at the show. There was a really fantastic selection of cats there, and it was a privilege to be given the opportunity to assess them all good practice for next weekend...
25 August 2012 - Teesside show
It was another good day for Dushenka cats again, with six cats in the placings:
- I Gr Pr Dushenka Zerachiel won Best of Breed and the reserve Olympian certificate as well as being nominated for Best in Show
- Gr Pr Dushenka Stanislav won another Imperial Grand certificate (sadly from a judge who has already awarded him Imperials)
- Ch Dushenka Duke Ellington, still only 11½ months old, won his second Grand Challenge - his second time in the grand class
- Ch Dushenka Belucia won two 1st prizes, but was clearly already more interested in boys than prizes!
- Dushenka Gabriel won two 1st prizes and two 2nds, plus Best of Breed Russian Blue kitten
- Dushenka Fedorabella won three 1sts and one 2nd prize in her four classes
From left to right: Zach, Stan and Dukey
From left to right: Dukey again; Lucy; Dorable and Gabe
11 August 2012 - Chester show
What a lovely day we had today, between the show and cheering on our Olympic Games winners. While our cats were being judged in the morning we watched Tom Daley win his way through the finals in the diving competition and on the way home made it to a motorway services with a large TV just in time to was the 5,000 metres final - gold for Mo!! The final stretch of our journey home we watched the finals of the diving on Richard's ever-so smartphone... utterly thrilling performance from young Tom again!
In between all this sporting excitement we also manage to fit in a busy cat show, with a total of seven Dushenka cats and kittens in competition today, and some thrilling results there too!
- Premier Dushenka Carabella won her third certificate and title in three straight shows, and placed really well in her side classes - very well done to you Cara and your proud daddy Lenny!
- Karen's boys did us proud again with I Gr Pr Dushenka Zerachiel winning Best of Breed, and Gr Pr Dushenka Stanislav winning another Imperial Grand certificate, and both looking quite magnificent
- Ch Dushenka Belucia won the reserve Grand Challenge on her return from maternity leave, at her first try in the grand class
- Ch Dushenka Duke Ellington, still only 11 months old, won his first Grand Challenge at his first try and Best of Breed adult
- Dushenka Fedorabella won 1st in all her classes - a 'red card day'
- and Dushenka Gabriel on his show debut won a 1st, two x 2nds and one x 3rd prize. Dorable and Gabe were both little stars, and at the end of the day greatly enjoyed cuddling up to each other again.
From left to right: Gabriel; Dorable; and Dukey
From left to right: Gabe being washed by Dorable; Gabe and Dorable
From left to right: Lucy; Stan; Zach
4 August 2012 - Eastern Counties show, and the Scottish RexFest
Again, I wasn't entered in either show myself, but there was a Dushenka at each show winning well again!
At the Eastern Counties Champion Dushenka Czar Koreshki won his second Grand Challenge certificate - just one to go now, so all fingers and toes crossed for your next show Korei! And at the Scottish RexFest, Xaria appeared as a pedigree pet again, winning the MasterCat Certificate, Best of Colour and the award for Most Aristocratic Cat! Well done to both of you, and your dedicated owners Donna & Dave, and Tracey.
21 J uly 2012 - Edinburgh show, and Gwynedd show
I wasn't entered in either show myself, as I was exhibiting last weekend, but there were great results for all seven Dushenka cats and kittens being shown this weekend! Many thanks to their owners, Miranda and Fraser; Pamela; Donna and Dave; Karen and Darren; and Lenny for showing them all so well!
At the Edinburgh show, three of Lucy and Leo's kittens made their show debut at the age of 15 weeks and 2 days, and did a good job of sharing the honours between them as well as having a whale of a time entertaining themselves and everyone who spoke to them! Zach and Stan both had great days again, and Cara was also in the list of winners:
- Dushenka Frederik won Best of Breed Russian Blue kitten, together with a total of two 1st prizes and two 3rd prizes in his four classes
- Dushenka Feliks won three 1st prizes and one 2nd prize, only being beaten by his brother Freddy in his four classes
- Dushenka Fenella won her breed class with a total of one 1st prize and three 2nd prizes in her four classes
- Dushenka Carabella won her second Premier Certificate at her second adult show - just one to go now Cara!
- Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav won the reserve imperial Grand Premier Certificate and placed well in every class
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel won his second Olympian certificate, Best of Breed, 1st in every class he was entered in - a 'red card' day - and was nominated for best in Show!
And at the Gwynedd show, Champion Dushenka Czar Koreshki won Best of Breed Russian Blue adult and the reserve Grand Challenge certificate - not bad for one weekend!
From left to right, the three babies: Frederik; Feliks; Fenella
From left to right: Cara; Stan; Zach
14 July 2012 - Humberside & Lincolnshire shows
I couldn't get to this show as I had cat caring responsibilities at home, but Heather and Richard of Cagaran Cats stepped into the breach, taking my cats with them: thanks again guys, you really are stars! Congratulations to Dukey and Dorable, who both had good days:
- Champion Dushenka Duke Ellington who won the Challenge Certificate in both shows, making him a Champion at only 10 months and 4 days old, the youngest ever titled Dushenka! Just to make his win even more special, Dukey is also the 20th Dushenka to win a show title - proud breeder moment happening here :) Dukey won a total of four 1st prizes, two 2nds and one 3rd, in some very strong classes - we're very happy with these results as there's no shame being beaten by your UK & Imperial titled dad!
- Dushenka Fedorabella, making her show debut at the tender age of 14 weeks and 2 days, Dorable did really well, winning her breed class in both shows and Best of Breed in one. Her total haul of prizes was two 1sts, four 2nds and one 3rd, again in some pretty sizable classes. - Dushenka Duchess Silvabel won two 1st prizes, and was her usual frolicsome self all day!
A special mention also goes to Heather and Richard's gorgeous Asian Smoke boy Donny, Champion Cagaran Deathach-Donn, who was also made up to Champion and won Best of Variety Foreign adult again - well done Donny!
From left to right: Dukey looking all grown up, Dorable taking it all in her delicate little stride and Silvabel - frolicking!
16 June 2012 - Lakeland & District Cat Club show
This show has a been a lucky one for Dushenka cats the past few years, and today was no exception, with four certificates, two best of Breed awards, a Best of Variety and Best in Show win! Plus, my travelling companions Heather and Richard of Cagaran Cats also did extremely well, with three Best of Breed wins and a Best of Variety win too!
- Champion Dushenka Czar Koreshki won his first Grand Challenge certificate the first time in the class, and Best of Breed Russian Blue adult. Korei was the runner-up to the best of variety foreign adult too, Heather and Richard's gorgeous Asian boy, Cagaran Deathach-Donn. Donny is a special favourite of mine and slept on my knee all the way home
- Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav won the Imperial Grand and 1st prize in every class he was entered in - a 'red card' day!
- Dushenka Duke Ellington won his first Challenge Certificate at his first adult show - his sister Silvabel won 1st in her breed class too, but the judge quite rightly said she was too immature on the day for the certificate.
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel won Best of Breed, the reserve Olympian, Best Foreign Neuter, and ended his day at the front of the show hall as Best in Show Foreign Exhibit! This follows his daughter Lucy winning the same award in 2011, and Zach's own best of variety win as a kitten in 2010.
From left to right: Korei, Stan, Dukey and Silvabel (frolicking as usual!)
Zach and all his prizes: the rosettes were so huge even Zach looks small in the first photo!
Thanks again to Heather and Richard for the lift to and from the show, and making sure I didn't get lost all day! Thanks also to Donna and Dave Johnson of Koreshka Russian Blues who looked after my babies all day, as I was busy stewarding. Donna and Dave had a phenomenally good day, as in addition to Korei's wins, their girls both won their new titles, so Eli is now an Imperial Grand Champion and Roksi is a Grand Champion!
RBBA points competition results 2011
Great news for Dushenka cats in the RBBA 2011 Show Results competition too:
- Champion Dushenka Belucia was Top Kitten and Top Adolescent;
Lucy's daddy, Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel was
- Top Male Neuter
- Top Neuter and
- Top scoring exhibit
Thanks to Lucy and Zach, plus Ziva, Stan, Basil, Yzzy, Tasha and Cara who all did so well that Dushenka was named as the Top Prefix too!
26 May 2012 - Durham County Cat Club show
Quick update, kittens to feed!
- Dushenka Duchess Silvabel won three x 1st prizes and 1 x 3rd prize in her four classes - Champion Dushenka Czar Koreshki had a 'red card' day - 1st in every class
- Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav won the Imperial Grand and a further 1st and 2nd prize - Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel won Best of Breed and Best Foreign Neuter
- Dushenka Duke Ellington who won Best of Breed, Best Foreign Kitten, and ended his day at the front of the show hall as Best in Show Foreign Exhibit!
12 May 2012 - Nor'East of Scotland show
We were slightly closer to home today with less than two hours to travel up to sunny Dundee. The sun smiled on my cats as well, as we enjoyed a great day!
- Champion Lyov Yarilo Larksong Dunoe won his third Challenge Certificate, and was made up to Champion. Darling Leo also won Best of Breed, 1st in every class and was nominated for best in show, clever boy!
- Champion Dushenka Zivabella won the reserve Grand Challenge certificate, with a total of two 1st places, one 2nd and one 3rd in her four classes
- Dushenka Duchess Silvabel and Dushenka Duke Ellington both won their breed classes, with Dukey taking Best of Breed, and between them amassing a total of five x 1st prizes, two x 2nd and 1 x 3rd prize in their eight classes
- Dushenka Carabella at her first adult show won her first Premier Certificate, together with two x 1st prizes and one x 2nd.
And our superstar Zach was there, again being supported by his great-uncle Stan:
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel who won Best of Breed and 1st prize in every class - a 'red card' day - and his first Olympian Certificate at his first try, against really tough competition! As if that wasn't enough he also went on to win Best Foreign Neuter, and ended his day at the front of the show hall as Best in Show Foreign Exhibit!
From left to right: Champion Leo; Ziva; Silvabel (as ever, up to mischief, this time chewing her rosette!)
From left to right: Dukey; Zach being judged by South African judge Dr Cutter; Zach with all his winnings!
My thanks to Ian and Caroline Thomson of Saladin Abyssinians for the lift to and from the show.
28 April 2012 - Bedford & District/Cambridgeshire shows
It was a long way to go to the Beds/CamCats shows, held back-to-back in Wood Green, but worth it for the opportunity to enter two shows, and even better, to see Donna and Dave's boy Korei too. Special congratulations to all our winners:
- Champion Dushenka Czar Koreshki won the Challenge Certificate in both shows, and was made up to Champion just a few days past his 1st birthday. Clever Korei also won Best of Breed in strong competition in the CamCats show - very proud of this boy!
- Champion Dushenka Zivabella who won her second Grand Challenge certificate, with a total of two 1st places and one 2nd
- Dushenka Duke Ellington won Best of Breed in both shows, enjoyed a 'red card' day at the CamCats, and brought home a total of four x 1st prizes and one x 2nd prize
- Dushenka Duchess Silvabel won both her breed classes, with a total of three x 1st prizes and 1 x 3rd prize
From left to right: Champion Korei; Ziva, Dukey, and Silvabel - little Miss Perpetual Movement!
Thanks again to Heather and Richard of Cagaran Cats for the lift to the show, and congratulations to their Best of Breed winners Darna, Annas and Donny.
14 April 2012 - Shorthair Cat Club of Scotland show
Another good day for Dushenka cats, and an enjoyable day all round today - I was delighted to catch up with Trixie's owners Derek and Jackie who were visiting the show, and hope you enjoyed the cat cuddles, and meeting your girl's father and grandfather.
We have another nice list of winners to congratulate too:
- Lyov Yarilo Larksong Dunoe won his second Challenge Certificate, and another two 2nd prizes in strong side classes. Leo was glowing with happiness today (proud paternal instincts?!) and I was delighted that his breed class judge wrote the following on the back of his certificate: 'Very well grown! Lovely temperament'
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel who won another Imperial certificate, Best of Breed and 1st prize in every class - a 'red card' day; with Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav cheering him on from the sidelines
- Dushenka Duchess Silvabel won three x 1st prizes and 1 x 2nd in her four classes
- Dushenka Duke Ellington won 1st in every class - a 'red card' day, Best of Breed and Best of Variety Foreign Kitten,
From left to right: Leo; Zach; Silvabel; Dukey - sorry about the quality of these photos, the lighting wasn't that good
5 April 2012 - We have kittens!
Both Sophie and Lucy have had kittens, dad of both litters being our gorgeous boy Leo. See the Kittens page for details.
24 March 2012 - Preston & Blackpool Cat Club show
It was another good day today with six Dushenka cat at the show taking home plenty of prizes! Congratulations to our winners today:
- Dushenka Duke Ellington and Dushenka Duchess Silvabel, who both won three x 1st prizes and 1 x 2nd in their four classes
- Dushenka Czar Koreshki, still only 11 months old, he also won a total of 3 x 1st prizes and 1 x 2nd in four classes, plus his second Challenge Certificate and Best of Breed out of a stunning line-up of nine super adults. Thanks again to his proud owners Donna and Dave Johnson of Koreshka Russian Blues for showing him so well, and congratulations to your girl Eli on her Imperial certificate
- Champion Dushenka Zivabella, who also won 3 x 1st prizes, plus a 1 x 3rd, and her first Grand Challenge certificate - well done Zivvles!
- Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav, being his usual sweet, supportive self picked up a 2nd prize in a very strong class
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel who won another Imperial certificate, Best of Breed and also won a total of 3 x 1st prize and 1 x 2nd
Special mention is due to my darling little Yzzykins, who is the mother of my three certificate winner on the day, Korei, Ziva and Zach - she really is Supermum!
Thanks again to Heather and Richard of Cagaran Cats for the lift to the show, and congratulations to their Best of Breed winners Darna, Annas and Apollo.
10 March 2012 - Lancashire Cat Club show
Congratulations to our winners today:
- Dushenka Duke Ellington and Dushenka Duchess Silvabel, who between them amassed two x 1st prizes, two x 2nd and three x 3rd prizes and yet again both spent the day in happy, purring contentment
And our latest Dushenka Superstar...
- Dushenka Czar Koreshki, who at just 10½ months old and at his first adult show won his first Challenge certificate and Best of Breed but, clearly determined to follow in the paw-print of his big brother Zach, also won Best of Variety Foreign Adult, Best in Show Foreign Exhibit and Overall Best in Show Exhibit! Many thanks to his proud owner Donna and Dave Johnson of Koreshka Russian Blues for giving this handsome boy such a wonderful home.
Thanks - as usual! - to Heather and Richard of Cagaran Cats for the lift to the show, and congratulations to their Best of Breed winners Darna, Annas and Donny.
More good news when I got home - a message that the Russian Breed Advisory Committee agreed at its meeting today to put my name forward to the GCCF as a probationer judge of Russian Blues!
25 February 2012 - Coventry & Leicester Cat Club show
Another good day for Ziva and her babies, with Ziva taking home a 1st and 3rd prize, Dukie winning 1st in all his classes (even with his teething pinch!), and Silvabel (definitely The Duchess today) winning Best of Breed over her brother, and three 1st prizes too!
Thanks again to Heather and Richard for the lift to the show, and congratulations to their Best of Breed winners Annas and Donny: thanks also to Gary and Tracy for putting us all up the previous night.
12 February 2012
Yet more congratulations - this time to Leo's son on his successful show debut in the Netherlands:
- Ljovotchka Lyov Dunoe, who won Excellent 1st on his show debut, and like his daddy obviously a totally loveable armful, in this photo being cuddled by his judge. Many thanks to Maartje Schoenmaker for the lovely photograph.
11 February 2012 - Scottish Cat Club show
A bit of a treat this morning as we only left home after 8.00am for the 10 mile journey to the show - a bit of a contrast with some of the major cross-country hikes we do! We had another lovely day with some great results all round, and wall-to-wall purrs from all our cats too, so congratulations to all of them on their winning ways:
- Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel - special congratulations to Zach, who won his fifth Imperial certificate today, Best of Breed Russian Blue neuter, another two 1st prizes and was nominated for Best in Show; his litter sister
- Champion Dushenka Zivabella, won the reserve Grand Challenge, and a further two x 1st prizes and one x 2nd prize in her other three classes; Ziva's babies
- Dushenka Duke Ellington, who won his breed class, Best of Breed Russian Blue kitten and another two 1st prizes
- Dushenka Duchess Silvabel, who came home with three x 2nd prizes
- Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav, darling Stan did another fantastic job of cheering on his nephew Zach
- Lyov Yarilo Larksong Dunoe won his first Challenge Certificate, and a 1st and two 3rd prizes in his other three classes
RACCS points competition results 2011
Great news for Dushenka cats in the RACCS 2011 Cat of the Year competition:
- Champion Dushenka Belucia was Top Kitten and Top Adolescent;
Lucy's daddy, Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel was
- Top Male Russian Neuter
- Top Russian Neuter
- Top Russian Exhibit and
... RACCS Cat of the Year 2011!
Thanks to Lucy and Zach, plus Ziva, Stan, Basil, Yzzy, Tasha and Cara who all did so well that Dushenka was named as the Top Russian Prefix too!
Congratulations to my lovely girls who produced all the winning Dushenka cats in 2011. Their contribution was also recognised, with Zach's mum Yzzy being Top Russian Queen and Lucy's mum Tasha being runner up to Yzzy. Congratulations to Zach's dad, Gr Ch Melkelter Merry Monarch, who was Top Russian Stud too!
21 January 2012 - Notts & Derby Cat Club show
It was another lovely day today, albeit rather a long day, given that it was a day trip all the way to Nottingham and back. I left my babies at home today, but Karen and Darren brought their handsome boys down south too, and my darling Lucy had a fantastic day again! Many congratulations to our winners today, you made me proud:
- Champion Dushenka Belucia, who won her title in three straight shows at only 10½ months old, with good placings in all her classes again; her daddy
- Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel, won Best of Breed Russian Blue neuter and his fourth Imperial Grand certificate, my hero :-)
- Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav, being his usual sweet, calm supportive self, took home two 2nd prizes and a lot of perfume from all the cuddles he had during the day! Love you Stan ©
7 January 2012 - Short-Haired Cat Society show
Our first show of the year, and what a fantastic day it was! I was busy stewarding so didn't even know how well my cats had done until quite late on in the day - and they really had done very well indeed! Congratulations again to my winners:
- Dushenka Belucia, who won her second Challenge Certificate at her second adult show, and placed well in all her classes
- Dushenka Duchess Silvabel, who won her breed class against strong competition and a total of two x 1st prizes, one x 2nd and one x 3rd in her four classes
- Dushenka Duke Ellington, our star of the day, who won 1st in every class, Best of Breed, Best of Variety Foreign Kitten and Best in Show Foreign Exhibit - and he's still not even four months old!

From left to right: Silvabel; Dukey; Silvabel washing Dukey; Lucy
Many congratulations to Silvabel and Dukey's dad, the gorgeous UK&IGrCh Furbell Stargazer for winning Best of Breed adult and the reserve Olympian too - he looked magnificent. Thanks are due to his owner Ann Bond Wonneberger of Furbell Russian Blues, not only for letting my girl Ziva visit the wonderful Starry-G, but also looking after his babies on the day along with Kathryn, and Judith Noble of Larksong Russian Blues.
Congratulations to our travelling companions Heather and Richard of Cagaran Tiffanies and Asians, who also had a ridiculously successful day with their four cats - an Olympian certificate, an Imperial, Best of Colour for their pedigree pet and Best Kitten for the adorable Donny in the Asian Group Cat Society show!
1 January 2012
Happy New Year to everyone - here's to a successful year with loads of kittens to cuddle.
Looking back over 2011
In loving memory:
- Dushenka Evgeniy, born and buried on Christmas night
- Champion Siykat Stella Dushenka, died Boxing Day evening
Gone, but never forgotten - sweet dreams my loves.
It was another great show year for my cats who over the course of 2011 won six new titles; 37 certificates; and a phenomenal 21 Best in Show/Best of Variety wins, including three Overall Best in Show wins! Special congratulations again to my new title holders:
- Imperial Grand Premier Dushenka Xariabella who won two Imperial Grand Premier certificates, a Master Cat certificate, four Best of Variety wins and her third title
- Grand Premier Dushenka Zerachiel - magnificent Zach won one Challenge Certificate at his only adult show before being neutered; four Premier Certificates; three Grand Premiers; three Imperial Grands; and one reserve Imperial, and was responsible for 10 of our 21 best of variety wins, including two Overall Best in Show wins
- Grand Champion Dushenka Tashabella who on her return from maternity leave won her third Grand Challenge and title, and went on to win two reserve Imperial Grand certificates too
- Champion Dushenka Zivabella who won her three Challenge certificates and title, before going off on maternity leave and producing her Magnificent Seven kittens
- Grand Champion Troika Ivan Tsarevich sweet Teddycakes won his Grand title, and a reserve Imperial certificate
My other winners included
- Grand Premier Dushenka Stanislav, now seven years old, Stan has not lost his winning touch, taking home three Imperial Grand certificates and two reserve Imperials during the year
- Champion Dushenka Ysabella, who won her first Grand Challenge certificate
Zach's two beautiful babies:
- Dushenka Belucia who won Best in Show Foreign Exhibit on her show debut, and a total of 10 open classes, 9 times Best of Breed, 26 x 1st prizes and six BOV/BIS wins as a kitten, plus the Challenge certificate and Best of Breed again at her first adult show in December
- Dushenka Blue Basil, who won five open classes, and was Best of Breed twice
Yzzy's baby daughter:
- Dushenka Carabella, who won two open classes, one Best of Breed and a Best of Variety Foreign Kitten
Many thanks again to Lorraine, Maureen and Lenny Pontello of Pontaby Abyssinians (also Cara's owners), Xaria's owners Heather McRae and Richard Gabb of Cagaran cats and Ian & Caroline Thomson of Saladin Abyssinians, for helping us to get to and from shows. My thanks again to Clare Bandy of Troika Russian Blues for letting me have my adorable Teddycakes, and Karen Hettman, Stan and Zach's devoted owner, for showing these boys so well.