Champion & Grand Premier Dushenka Honey-Belle, 1 IGPC


Pet names:

Honey, Honey-bunny, Bunster

Major awards:

Champion in her first two show days, Best of Breed the day she won her title too. Three Premier certificates from her first three show days as a neuter too, plus four Grands and a reserve Grand, and one Imperial; Best of Variety Section 4 Neuter, BOBCats show 2025.

Notable offspring: Sadly, Honey did not give me any kittens


Honey's story

Honey is the daughter of my gentle girl Anna, and she was the first kitten I kept from Big Jac. She and her sisters are all so sweet and pretty they were given floral/honey-themed names, and my pretty Honey-bunny decided that she was the one who was going to stay with me!

Honey is a sweet and gentle soul, who likes to sit at my side when I am working on the computer, and to have special cuddles in bed at the weekends, sitting on my chest and staring intently into my eyes as she purrs (a habit inherited from her great-grandmother Queenie). She can also be a bit of a live-wire and does enjoy energetic play-sessions too, before cuddling in with her favourite Auntie Jingle. She has inherited her mother's 'fat' tail, and uses it like a banner to announce her presence, holding it bolt-upright with just the tip slanting forwards in curiosity as she potters around the house - I call it her furry periscope! Sadly she decided that she did not want to have kittens, but is much happier without the burden of her hormones x