Kitten news
24 April 2007
This will be the last update for this litter, I am sad to say.
The kittens had their second vaccinations on Friday, plus their microchips, and made not a murmur of complaint. In fact they just took it all in their stride, the way they take everything! I am now having to get used to the idea of them leaving for their new homes. Life will be quieter - but duller - without them.
14 April 2007
First kitten to discover the delights of sleeping on the ironing - Viktor; first to climb on top of the wardrobe - Viktor; first kitten to pile onto my knee - Valentine; first to try and steal food off my plate - Valentine; first to fall asleep in my arms - Tori; gentlest baby - Tori; wickedest baby - ViVi. I love them all.
L to R - Valentine, ViVi, Tori, Viktor
7 April 2007
Now 10 weeks old, into everyone and everything, and taking over the whole house. Here they are, having commandeered Oliver's favourite pile of cushions in the living room - happy babies! -->
<--Stella is revelling in her role of kitten-minder as usual, so Sophie is now getting a chance to have breaks away from them as well.
L to R - Viktor, Tori, ViVi and Valentine
31 March 2007
Sophie's babies were at the vet today for their first vaccinations, and were totally relaxed about the whole business - their first time out of the house and meeting loads of new people (Saturday mornings are always busy at my vet surgery) and they really rather enjoyed all the fuss!
Their check-over showed that they are indeed as robustly healthy as I believed, and after a nice little snooze when they got home all four were soon back to charging round the house and having kittenish fun again.
24 March 2007
Now 8 weeks old, Sophie's babies are all looking remarkably grown-up all of a sudden, and winding their way ever more firmly into my heart. Big softie Viktor is still easily the biggest in the litter - and one of my biggest-ever kittens. Valentine belies his elegant appearance by charging around the house showing off his 'squirrel-tail' just like his grandmother Bella. Tori has adopted the role of elegant lady this week, using her huge ears to expressive advantage. Little ViVi is promising to be sweetly cheeky as well as very pretty, earning herself the nickname Evil Veevil!!

Viktor and Valentine Tori ViVi
17 March 2007
7 weeks old and they are now 'at home' to visitors - the boys' new owners have been over to meet them and Sophie was pleased to approve! All four babies are behaving like mini-hoovers, demolishing every type of food with great gusto, before charging around to work off some energy, then crashing out on my bed, on the fur throw, on the chair, in a corner ... pretty much anywhere.
(L to R: Tori, ViVi, Valentine, and Viktor)
10 March 2007
The whole family has now migrated and sleeping on top of a furry throw in front of my chest of drawers. The throw is normally draped over my bed, but Sophie and the babies made it clear that they wanted to commandeer it for their own use.
Viktor and Valentine are very handsome boys, and a real double-act, for all Viktor is a much more laid-back character. Tori and ViVi are both of them far too aware of how pretty they are!
3 March 2007
Big boy Viktor, chatty lad Valentine, determined girlie Viktoriya and baby Vivabella continue to thrive, eating almost everything put in front of them, as well as still enjoying their mother's milk.
They have all been trying out my bed for size, although still returning to their own nest at night - Sophie is taking little breaks away from them, but never for very long.
You should see them charging along with tails straight in the air - I only just managed to catch Viktoriya in this photo!
24 February 2007
4 weeks old and now they are starting to try their mother's food quite happily, in-between pounce-and-tumble games with each other, before reverting to Mum's milk-bar and finally crashing out in a heap of silvery, snoozing, happy kitten-ness.
17 February 2007
Now three weeks old, Sophie's babies are developing very well, and all have their own distinct personalities: super-chilled big boy, strong-willed little boy, determined girlie, and the little dreamer. The hunt for the perfect names has commenced!

10 February 2007
All four babies are happily tumbling around their bed, rolling over to have their poochy little tummies tickled every time I talk to them. With their new-found ability to see every new sight is greeted with expressions of awe!
Sophie continues to eat her way happily through every bit of food put in front of her, and greatly enjoying her role of clever, perfect mother.
3 February 2007
Now one week old, the kittens' eyes are just beginning to open, and they have doubled their weight since birth.
Sophie is clearly looking after them extremely well, as they are very contented little babies! Sophie is all purrs and kisses, very obviously feeling highly pleased with herself - and quite right too.
27 January 2007
0630 - Easy birth (four kittens born in three hours), beautiful kittens, happy mother... very proud and very tired owner!!
More details later - time for us all to enjoy a good sleep.
PS Two boys and two girls - all feeding well the little angels. And Sophie is very obviously eating for five!!
25 January 2007
Precious Sophie has almost moved into her kittening box - shouldn't be long now. Her fan club is expanding along with her waistline, so I think the kittens are probably all booked already.
23 December 2006
Sophie is definitely beginning to lose her usual sylph-like proportions, and becoming quite assertive about getting the comfy cushion to sit on. Not much more than a month to go now.
12 December 2006
Sophie has been away visiting the lovely Louis, (Grand Champion Zatasha Svengali) and is now back here, eating us out of house and home!
As well as being a very beautiful and gentle boy, Louis also has an impeccable pedigree which includes Zatasha, Zhivago, Globury and Astahazy cats.
We have great hopes of the results....